Study of the influence of complex treatment using immunomodulators on the state of local immunity in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis I-II severity on enterobiasis
Ключові слова:
immunomodulators, periodontitis, enterobiasisАнотація
Introduction.Due to the high prevalence of chronic generalized periodontitis there is a need for a broader analysis of the causes and development of diseases, as well as the search for effective treatments for etiopathogenetical. The aim of this work was to study the effect of newly developed therapy on local immunity in patients CGP I and II severity with enterobiasis. Material & methods.The main group consisted of 32 people with СGP I degree and 60 people with СGP II severity who were treated according to our scheme. The control group consisted of 30 people with СGP I degree and 58 people with СGP II severity, treated with conventional treatment. The control group consisted of 30 people without periodontal disease and chronic diseases of other systems. All patients were studied the main group and the comparison group conducted a basic local therapeutic treatment of periodontal disease, including professional oral hygiene, temporary splinting of teeth, selective prishlifovyvanie teeth. For medical treatment of periodontal tissues using 0.05% - 0.2% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate. Further treatment of patients of the main group carried out in 2 stages. At the first stage the main group received: irrigation and instillation of periodontal tissue in periodontal pockets antiseptic preparation "Dekasan" application keratoplastic drug "Katomas". Systemically administered drug tonic "Sage oil" probiotic "Kvertulin" immunomodulator "Erbisol". In the second phase, patients received: applications on the gums periodontal gel "Lizomukoid" systemically complex preparation "Оil extract from pumpkin seeds." All patients of the main group used toothpaste "Lacalut flora" and rinse "grapefruit". In the comparison group, patients received applications in periodontal pockets (drug Dalatsin C) application to the gums (keratoplastic drug Aekol) system - a probiotic Linex, immunomodulator "Echinacea compositum С". All patients with the comparison group used toothpaste and rinse "Forest Balsam" for the duration of treatment and 1 month after the end of therapy.The effect of the proposed and conventional therapy on local immunity judged on the content of lysozyme, sIgA, mIgA, IgG, total protein, extracellular peroxidase activity and bactericidal oral secretions. Statistical processing of materials made using mathematical statistical methods for data analysis. Results & discussion. Under the influence of the proposed therapy in patients of the group increases the activity of local immunity factors and attenuates the inflammatory process in the periodontium. On the 1st day of the end of therapy in this group of patients significantly increases the content of lysozyme in the oral secretions and sIgA to normal values, with elevated levels of IgG and mIgA, which differed before treatment, reduced to normal values (p˂0,05) and remain so the entire period of observation for 6 months. Patients comparison group in the application of traditional therapy of total protein content in the oral secretions to the 6-month observation is not reduced to normal, but there was a positive trend in the growth of the content of sIgA and lysozyme and decreased total protein levels in the oral secretions. The level in the oral secretions mIgA and IgG in patients with the comparison group were not significantly changed the whole period of study. Patients of the main group under the influence of the therapy took place dynamic normalization of extracellular peroxidase activity, whereas in patients with comparison groups to restore the values of the rate of extracellular peroxidase activity did not occur. Between indicators peroxidase activity of patients of the main group and the comparison group, respectively, in all periods of the study were significant differences (p˂0,05). Study of the bactericidal activity of saliva showed that the study group patients who received the combined treatment immunokorregirujushchej therapy by the end of the treatment of bactericidal action of saliva increased to values of norms and remained so the entire period of observation. In the comparison group, the bactericidal action of saliva significantly increased from 30 days last treatment. ConclusionIt was found that the proposed two-stage combined therapy with the use of immunomodulators has a significant normalizing effect on the activity of local immunity of patients CGP I and II degree of severity of the disease with enterobiasis. Under its influence there is dynamic recovery by the end of the treatment the activity of lysozyme, sIgA content, Miga and bactericidal oral secretions. It is shown that such action does not have a common set of traditional therapy. These results demonstrate the high efficiency of this method of treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis I and II of Article severity in patients with enterobiasis and point to the possibility of its application in clinical practice.
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