Infectious pathology of mother and its influence on the anthropometric parameters of newborns


  • V Markovsky Kharkov National Medical University versitetess,
  • I Sorokina Kharkov National Medical University versitetess,
  • M Myroshnychenko Kharkov National Medical University versitetess,
  • O Pliten Kharkov National Medical University versitetess,

Ключові слова:

infection, mother, anthropometric parameters, newborn.


The presence in pregnant woman foci of latent, chronic infection of any localization is an important cause of
various complications during pregnancy, childbirth, a wide range of perinatal pathology. The purpose of this
study was to reveal the influence of mother infectious diseases on the anthropometric parameters of newborns. The authors set up an experiment on WAG rats on modeling subacute (prolonged) peritonitis in females in order to study the influence of this infectiousinflammatory process in the organism of mother on the anthropometric parameters of newborns. The study found that the presence of infectious-inflammatory
diseases in mother is not always leads to inflammatory changes in the placenta, but involutive- degenerative
and dyscirculatory changes are taking place in all cases. In newborns from mothers with infectious pathology
revealed significantly reduced anthropometric parameters in comparison with newborns from healthy
mothers. Anthropometric parameters of newborns from mothers with infectious pathology depend on the
infective dose (the higher the dose of agent, the less neonatal anthropometric parameters). Negative
influence of infectious extragenital pathology of mother on newborn anthropometric parameters requires
improving the quality of pregravidal training aimed at early detection and sanitation of foci of infection.


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Як цитувати

Markovsky, V., Sorokina, I., Myroshnychenko, M., & Pliten, O. (2020). Infectious pathology of mother and its influence on the anthropometric parameters of newborns. Анали Мечниковського Інституту, (1), 27–32. вилучено із



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