Development of the composition and research of pharmaco-technological parameters of medicinal herbal collection for the treatment of gastric ulcer



Introduction. Natural compounds of plant origin have great prospects, having a wide range of pharmacotherapeutic possibilities, and influencing the activity of many regulatory proteins, in the treatment and prevention of complex combined pathologies of the digestive system. One of the main groups of biologically active substances that make a significant contribution to the pharmacotherapeutic effect of herbal remedies are phenolic compounds. Therefore, the development of a new domestic drug in the form of a collection for phytotherapy of gastric ulcer is an urgent task of pharmaceutical science in Ukraine. Materials and methods. The objects of the study are a mixture of medicinal plant raw materials, which include calendula flowers, plantago leaves, sea–buckthorn fruits, coriander seeds, gnaphalium grass. Research methods: information–search, information–analytical, organoleptic, physico–chemical, pharmacotechnological, phytochemical. Results & Discussion. According to the results of research, medicinal plant raw materials that are part of the antiulcer phytocomposition meets the requirements of the relevant monographs SPhU 2.0. Fractional analysis showed that about 65 % of the phytocomposition passes through sieves with a pore diameter of 2.0 to 0.5 mm, which meets the requirements of SPhU. Sieve analysis data indicate the need for additional grinding and sieving of plant components that are part of the developed collection. The water absorption coefficient was in the range of 1.1–3.6, and for phytocomposition – 2.27. This indicator is an important characteristic when calculating the amount of extractant in the subsequent manufacture of the infusion from the collection. The defined indicators are qualitative parameters of technology, allow to control, and estimate technological parameters of preparation of collecting. Conclusions. 1 It is determined that the use of drugs based on medicinal plant raw materials in complications of GU, namely the use of MPM, which contains flavonoid compounds that regulate inflammatory processes and oxidative reactions is a promising area of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry. 2. As a result of the conducted researches the conformity of medicinal plant raw materials which are a part of a antiulcer phytocomposotion to requirements of the monographs of SPhU on a concrete type of MPM is established. 3. The main technological parameters of MPM are determined which confirmed that the MPM is characterized by low values of specific, bulk and volumetric mass and high values of layer porosity, porosity of raw materials, free volume of the raw material layer.

Keywords: phytocomposition, pharmacotechnological properties, gastric ulcer.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5767460

Біографія автора

Ilona Konovalenko, National University of Pharmacy

Кафедра аптечной технологии лекарств, ассистент




Як цитувати

Konovalenko, I., & Kriukova , A. . (2021). Development of the composition and research of pharmaco-technological parameters of medicinal herbal collection for the treatment of gastric ulcer. Анали Мечниковського Інституту, (4), 108–113. вилучено із



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