Дослідження морфологічних та анатомічних ознак Ротиків садових (Antirrhinum majus l.) Трави


  • Софія Ільїна Національний фармацевтичний університет України, Україна
  • Ірина Журавель Національний фармацевтичний університет України, Україна



Ключові слова:

Antirrhini majus herba, Snapdragons, morphological characteristics, anatomical characteristics, microscopic examination, raw material standardization


Introduction. In recent years, scientists worldwide have been increasingly focused on searching for new sources of biologically active substances (BAS) with the goal of developing pharmaceuticals based on them. Currently, the study of plant raw materials that have a secured raw material base is of particular relevance. Among such plants, garden snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus L.) from the Plantaginaceae family attract attention. The aim of this study was to examine the morphological and anatomical diagnostic characteristics of garden snapdragon herbs. Materials and methods: the object of the study was garden snapdragon herb (Antirrhini majus herba) from the Overture and Snappy cultivar mix. The raw materials were harvested during the flowering phase of the plants in August 2023 in the Kharkiv region (Ukraine). The anatomical structure was studied using a Granum microscope at magnifications of 40-600 times; photography was carried out with a ScienceLab DCM820 camera for microscopes, and photos were processed using TSView 7 and Adobe Photoshop CC 2021. The raw material for anatomical study was fixed in an ethanol – glycerin – water mixture (in a 1:1:1 ratio). For microscopic examination, preparations of the epidermis of the leaf blade, stem, corolla epidermis, calyx, and cross-sections of the stem were prepared. The morphological characteristics of dried raw material samples were determined visually with the naked eye and using a magnifying glass (x10). Results and discussion. The morphological diagnostic features attributed to the whole garden snapdragon herb include: cylindrical stems, simple lanceolate leaves arranged alternately at the top of the stem and oppositely at the bottom, with reticulate venation. Zygomorphic flowers are gathered in a spike-like inflorescence. The calyx is pentamerous, divided, with lanceolate sepals that are pubescent. The corolla is bilabiate, with the mouth of the corolla closed by the projection of the lower lip. A sac-like protrusion is present at the base of the tube, with corolla colors ranging from yellow to pink-purple. All components of the raw material are pubescent. The raw material has a weak scent. The anatomical diagnostic features of the studied raw material include: the presence of thickened epidermal cells with a cuticle, anisocytic and anomocytic types of stomatal apparatus, pubescence with glandular and simple hairs, multilayered sclerenchyma, and a non-bundled type of stem structure.

Keywords: Antirrhini majus herba, Snapdragons, morphological characteristics, anatomical characteristics, microscopic examination, raw material standardization


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Як цитувати

Ільїна, С., & Журавель, І. (2024). Дослідження морфологічних та анатомічних ознак Ротиків садових (Antirrhinum majus l.) Трави. Анали Мечниковського Інституту, (1), 32–38. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10838380



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