Fuzzy modeling of conduct elements of chemical equipment


  • Лариса Іванівна Коротка Public higher education institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology" Gagarina, 8, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005, Ukraine




Corroding constructions, fuzzy parameters of aggressive environment, α-level sets


This work is devoted to the creation of new models of metallic constructions behavior with changing geometric characteristics as a result of corrosion and effective digital algorithms of their computer implementation with fuzzy information about environmental parameters.

Fuzzy information is formalized using the theory of fuzzy sets. A new mathematical task statement of durability prediction of corroding constructions with fuzzy parameters of aggressive environment are formulated. Rate of corrosion is considered as interval value given by linguistic variable value. Linguistic variable degree of "aggressiveness of the environment" is considered. Aggressive environment parameter is presented as expansions in α-level sets.

The result of the solution of the prediction of durability will be a tuple of values of durability of construction. It is converted to a clear number by the known methods of the theory of fuzzy sets

Author Biography

Лариса Іванівна Коротка, Public higher education institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology" Gagarina, 8, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005

Ph.D., assistant

Department of Computer Technology and Higher Mathematics


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How to Cite

Коротка, Л. І. (2013). Fuzzy modeling of conduct elements of chemical equipment. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(4(62), 12–15. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.12363



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects