Aerodynamic drag of tube bundles with the helical-shaped tubes


  • Євген Миколайович Письменний National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Pobedy ave, 37, Kiev, Ukraine 03056, Ukraine
  • Сергій Анатолійович Рева National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Pobedy ave, 37, Kiev, Ukraine 03056, Ukraine
  • Олександр Михайлович Терех National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Pobedy ave, 37, Kiev, Ukraine 03056, Ukraine



tube, bundle, uniform surface, aerodynamics, drag, comparison


The paper is devoted to the experimental studies of the aerodynamic drag of staggered bundles of helical tubes in order to create highly effective heat exchangers with reduced weight and size.

The researches of the aerodynamic drag of staggered bundles of helical tubes at their airflow were carried out on an experimental setup, which is an open-circuit wind tunnel of rectangular cross section and conducted by the method of physical modeling in an isothermal flow, using the data of the drainage selection of static pressures before and after the bundle.

The influence of geometric characteristics of helical tubes and parameters of their placement in the bundle on the aerodynamic drag is shown. The comparison of the aerodynamic drag of the bundles of helical and plain tubes of the same outside diameter depending on the incident velocity was conducted.

The research results can be used in developing recuperative heat exchangers having high heat-aerodynamic efficiency and applied in thermal power engineering, petrochemical industry, gas compressor units of the gas transportation system ofUkraine.

The obtained results can be the basis for aerodynamic calculations in the design of new heat exchangers of helical tubes.

Author Biographies

Євген Миколайович Письменний, National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Pobedy ave, 37, Kiev, Ukraine 03056

Doctor of sciences, professor, chief of the Chair

Chair of nuclear power plants and engineering thermophysics

Сергій Анатолійович Рева, National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Pobedy ave, 37, Kiev, Ukraine 03056

Chair of nuclear power plants and engineering thermophysics

Олександр Михайлович Терех, National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Pobedy ave, 37, Kiev, Ukraine 03056

PhD, Senior Researcher

Chair of nuclear power plants and engineering thermophysics


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How to Cite

Письменний, Є. М., Рева, С. А., & Терех, О. М. (2013). Aerodynamic drag of tube bundles with the helical-shaped tubes. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(66), 31–35.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment