Analog interface for remote measurements by differential-transformer inductive sensors
analog interface, LVDT-sensor, signal in-phase component, automatic error correctionAbstract
An analog interface for remote motion measurement using LVDT-sensors is considered. A feature of the proposed technical solution is the lack of active components in immediate proximity to the sensor.
Using balancing, measuring amplifier with differential-current inputs, automatic sensor common-mode and instrumental errors correction allows to measure dynamic signals from distant objects with high accuracy and speed at low hardware costs. For example, analog interfaces of the National Instruments [5], which use measuring voltage-voltage amplifiers, are under substantial negative influence of parasitic communication line capacitances and resistors manufacture inaccuracy [3].
Using digital interfaces for remote measurements leads to a significant limiting of the useful signal band [4]. The analog interface for the information-measuring system with inductive motion sensors is proposed, which has the reduced effect of the in-phase component of the input signal on the measurement accuracy, taken into account ambient temperature influence on the sensor sensitivity, and consequently, increased analog interface accuracy
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