Constructing a model of the influence of structural and technological inhomogeneities on electromagnetic energy losses in cables based on a twisted pair




twisted pair, technological inhomogeneities, electric field, electromagnetic energy, foam insulation


The objects of research reported here were cables based on twisted pairs of various designs. The issue of the emergence of additional losses of electromagnetic energy is related to structural and technological inhomogeneities at the technological stage of cable production. The influence of the working capacitance of the twisted pair on the energy losses in the cables has been substantiated. A methodology was proposed for the numerical calculation of the electric field under the condition of ellipticity of the structural elements of the twisted pair. That has made it possible to determine the distortion of the electric field and the effect of inhomogeneities on the working capacitance of a twisted pair of different designs.

Specifically, it was shown that for shielded structures with continuous polymer insulation, the distortion of the electric field and the growth of the working capacitance are observed to a greater extent. The need to find technological solutions to reduce the effect of screen ellipticity on cable capacitance has been emphasized. The effectiveness of capacitance regulation in the presence of inhomogeneities has been confirmed, by using foamed insulation to reduce the loss of electromagnetic energy in the cable.

The effect of reducing the working capacitance and increasing additional losses under the simultaneous influence of the ellipticity of the electrical insulation and the protective polymer shell has been established, which necessitates the technological process adjustment in the manufacture of twisted pair.

An applied aspect of using the results is the possibility of improving the typical technological process of manufacturing twisted pairs to reduce additional losses of electromagnetic energy at the final technological stage of cable production.

The adequacy of the numerical studies was confirmed by experimental dependences of the attenuation coefficient and additional energy losses of the unshielded cable in the frequency range up to 100 MHz

Author Biographies

Ganna Bezprozvannych, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Electrical Isolation and Cable Technic

Oleg Pushkar, Research and Production Enterprise LLC SPE ALAY

General Director


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Constructing a model of the influence of structural and technological inhomogeneities on electromagnetic energy losses in cables based on a twisted pair




How to Cite

Bezprozvannych, G., & Pushkar, O. (2023). Constructing a model of the influence of structural and technological inhomogeneities on electromagnetic energy losses in cables based on a twisted pair. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(5 (123), 52–61.



Applied physics