Development and research of the method for propane-butane gas conversion into methanol


  • Алексей Борисович Целищев Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400, Ukraine
  • Марина Геннадиевна Лория Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400, Ukraine
  • Пётр Йосипович Елисеев Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400, Ukraine
  • Владимир Александрович Носач "Orgkhim" pr. Guards, 32, Severodonetsk, Luhansk region., Ukraine, 93411, Ukraine
  • Айодежи Адебайо Иджагбуджи Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400, Ukraine
  • Роман Николаевич Федотов Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400, Ukraine



hydroxyl radical, propane-butane gas, methyl radical, cavitation, methanol


The schematic diagram and the physicochemical study of the process of propane-butane gas conversion into methanol in the presence of hydrogen peroxide solution were proposed. In general, the process of methanol formation is described in the reaction: (C3H8+C4H10)+ Н2O2 → 2CH3OH+ C2H4 +C3H6 + H2. It should be noted that other alcohols and other oxygen-containing products except methanol were not found in all presented experiments. The analysis of the liquid reaction products was carried out by chromatography in a specialized laboratory by the instruments LHM and "Tsvet 500" using the 3 m long nozzle "Polisorb". The analysis of experimental data led to the conclusion that direct conversion of propane (butane) into methanol allows to achieve the conversion level of ~ 10% in one pass. The reactor design and the flow diagram of the laboratory setup for methanol synthesis by the cavitation method in the total absence of reaction byproducts were developed. The applied cavitation method is extremely promising for using propane-butane gas as a raw material in a fundamentally new production of methanol.

Author Biographies

Алексей Борисович Целищев, Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400

Kandidat of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Kafedra computer integrated management systems

Марина Геннадиевна Лория, Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400

Kandidat of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Kafedra electric devices

Пётр Йосипович Елисеев, Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400

Kandidat of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Kafedra equipment of chemical plants

Владимир Александрович Носач, "Orgkhim" pr. Guards, 32, Severodonetsk, Luhansk region., Ukraine, 93411

Ph.D., Associate Professor,

scientific consultant 

Айодежи Адебайо Иджагбуджи, Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400

Graduate student

Department of Technology of inorganic substances, and the environment

Роман Николаевич Федотов, Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal pr. 43 Donetsk, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400

Graduate student

Department of Technology of inorganic substances, and the environment


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How to Cite

Целищев, А. Б., Лория, М. Г., Елисеев, П. Й., Носач, В. А., Иджагбуджи, А. А., & Федотов, Р. Н. (2015). Development and research of the method for propane-butane gas conversion into methanol. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(6(78), 48–52.



Technology organic and inorganic substances