Deciding the best structure of the hydrometeorological data subsystem storage on set criteria and experts


  • Мария Романовна Валентюк Севастопольский национальный технический университет Ул. Университетская, 33, г. Севастополь, Украина, 99053, Ukraine



The method of analysis of variance on the basis of expertise and rank scale criteria for selecting the optimal structure of the storage subsystem hydrometeorological data is used. The analysis is performed for the case of unequal criteria and complicated combination of two sub-systems within the structure of each option. Selected by analysis of variance structure of the storage subsystem can be realized not only in the hydrometeorological sector, as in many other areas of human activity

Author Biography

Мария Романовна Валентюк, Севастопольский национальный технический университет Ул. Университетская, 33, г. Севастополь, Украина, 99053

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How to Cite

Валентюк, М. Р. (2009). Deciding the best structure of the hydrometeorological data subsystem storage on set criteria and experts. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(6(38), 32–38.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects