Efficiency of developing 15–17-year weightlifters’ training process for a one-year macrocycle with the use of various speed and strength training methods
training weightlifters, year-long macrocycle, shock method, speed-strength training, and athletic resultAbstract
Oleksandr Piven & Tetiana Dorofieieva
Purpose: developed and experimentally tested the construction of the training process of weightlifters of 15–17 years during a one-year macrocycle with the use of various speed and strength training methods.
Material & Methods: to the experiment were attracted 30 young weightlifters at the age of 15–17 years, they all had II and III sports categories.
Results: it was found that the athletes of the experimental group who used the unconventional training method, using different training regimes – isokinetic, plyometric, half-dynamic, impact method with speed-strength training, which included jumping with various devices in depth and jumping out, after the experiment, they improved their strengths in the amount of the duathlon by 16,5 kg, and also set their own records in contrast to the control group that trained by the traditional method and improved the power results by 7,2 kg.
Conclusion: it is established that the use of non-traditional methods for the development of speed-strength qualities of weightlifters, namely, different training regimes – isokinetic, plyometric, half-dynamic, shock method, contributes to the more efficient development of speed-strength qualities, and, consequently, leads to an increase in sports performance in weightlifting.
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