Changes in the physical readiness of female handball players 9–10 years due to participation in an increased number of competitions during the year
young female handball players, physical preparedness, changes in preparedness, correlation interdependence, initial training groups, physical fitness controlAbstract
Olena Nesen, Iryna Pomeschikova, Svitlana Chervona & Nataliia Pashchenko
Purpose: determine the impact of competitive activity on the indicators of physical readiness of female handball players 9–10 years.
Material & Methods: in the study, 20 female athletes from the primary training group of the Youth Sports School took part in the age of 9–10 years. In the course of the study, the following methods and techniques were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical testing, which included 8 physical tests; methods of statistical information processing.
Results: found that at the beginning of the training year, most of the young female handball players who participated in the study successfully passed physical tests according to the normative requirements of the Youth Sports School. Training sessions, built according to the curriculum of the Youth Sports School for handball for initial training groups of 1 year of training and supplemented by a large amount of participation in competitions, lead to the improvement of most of the indicators of physical fitness of young female athletes.
Conclusion: uneven changes in the results of testing the physical readiness of female handball players 9–10 years during the training year. Confirmed the presence of correlation links between individual indicators of physical fitness of young female athletes. The received results testify to a more significant increase in the results in physical tests of young female athletes, who took part in competitions more often.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Олена Несен, Ірина Помещикова, Світлана Червона, Наталія Пащенко

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