Substantiation of the developed program of physical rehabilitation of physically prepared persons with essential arterial hypertension of the I degree
arterial hypertension, physical rehabilitation, sauna, strength exercises, orthostatic exercises, flexibility, coordination, heart rate variability, integral body rheographyAbstract
Tamara Ridkovets & Volodymyr Bilyi
Purpose: scientifically substantiate the developed complex physical rehabilitation program aimed at accelerating the recovery process at different rehabilitation periods for people with essential hypertension of the first and second adulthood who have been engaged in fitness for more than three years.
Material & Methods: in the patients of the main and control groups, the functional state was determined using the analysis of the heart rate variability on the Poly-Spectrum apparatus © Neurosoft, blood pressure measurement by the method of N. S. Korotkov, bioimpedance study of the body composition, and the quality of life according to the MOS SF-36. The main group consisted of 31 people (24 men and 7 women), the control group was 31 (23 men and 8 women).
Results: program of physical rehabilitation has been developed, which includes kinesitherapy (training on simulators, independent exercises, dosed aerobic exercise, morning hygienic gymnastics), thermo-contrast agents and nutrition correction and was introduced in the sports and recreational complex "Monitor" in the main group.
Conclusion: use of the developed program of physical rehabilitation helped to normalize blood pressure, improve the functional state and the level of quality of life to a greater extent than in the control group in which the standard program of the institution was applied.
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