Development of a technique for preventing visual fatigue in students while working on a personal computer


  • Іван Дубровський
  • Олена Мироненко
  • Лариса Татарченко
  • Людмила Носенко
  • Марина Присяжна



students, visual fatigue, improving vision, health, therapeutic exercises


Ivan Dubrovskiy, Оlena Mironenko, Larysa Tatarchenko, Liudmyla Nosenko & Maryna Prysiazhna

Prevention of visual fatigue among students of higher educational institutions will contribute to their improvement, increase of labor productivity and, as a result, to the improvement of the success of mastering the educational material.

Purpose: make a rational algorithm for preventing visual fatigue in students who spend most of their time at the computer.

Material & Methods: analysis of scientific papers; polls, questioning, testing of students on the basis of the physics and technology faculty of Dniprovsky National University named after Oles Honchar.

Results: the methodology for the prevention of visual fatigue involves the proper organization of the working space, the observance of a certain mode of work at the computer, as well as the performance of various sets of exercises for restoring vision. The implementation of the methodology contributed to improving the quality of sight in students.

Conclusion: systematic implementation of this technique will allow both to improve the vision lost during work at the computer, and to maintain it at a consistently high level.


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How to Cite

Дубровський, І., Мироненко, О., Татарченко, Л., Носенко, Л., & Присяжна, М. (2018). Development of a technique for preventing visual fatigue in students while working on a personal computer. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(63), 19–23.


