Comparison of indicators of physical and technical preparedness of basketball players 12th and 13th years old


  • Андрій Тімофєєв



factors, features, physical readiness, basketball technique, young basketball players, motor asymmetry


Andriy Timofeyev

Purpose: the establishment of differences in the physical and technical preparedness of basketball players of 12 and 13 years, taking into account motor asymmetry. The differences in the physical and technical preparedness of basketball players of 12 and 13 years, taking into account the motor asymmetry, are established.

Material & Methods: physical preparedness was determined by standard test exercises, and technical preparedness - by test exercises in the transmission, throws and driving with the execution of movements with both hands. The basketball players of the 12th and 13th years of the basketball club "Cherkasy Monkeys".

Results: a comparative analysis of physical preparedness indicators has shown a significant advantage of 13-year-old basketball players in the manifestation of speed, explosive strength and speed-strength qualities. A significant difference in the technical preparedness of basketball players of 12 and 13 years is revealed, in particular, the transmissions of dominant and subdominant hands and complex exercises.

Conclusion: established a clear lateralization of motor functions of the hands with the prevalence of the accuracy of the movements of the dominant hand of basketball players of 1213 years, and the motor asymmetry in the course of the ball in 12-year-olds to 13 years acquires the signs of symmetry.


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How to Cite

Тімофєєв, А. (2018). Comparison of indicators of physical and technical preparedness of basketball players 12th and 13th years old. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(63), 98–101.


