Relationship between physical development and physical readiness among skilled wrestlers


  • Юрий Тропин
  • Вячеслав Романенко
  • Валерий Голоха
  • Наталья Веретельникова



qualified wrestlers, correlation, physical development, physical preparedness


Yura Tropin, Vyacheslav Romanenko, Valeriy Goloha & Nataliy Veretelnikova

Purpose: to determine the relationship between physical development and physical readiness among qualified wrestlers.

Material & Methods: in the study involved thirty qualified wrestlers, aged 1922 years. For the purpose of analyzing indicators of physical development and physical preparedness, pedagogical testing.

Results: the results of the study testify to the homogeneity of the indices of physical development of the athletes under study, the coefficient of variation is in the range from 2,43% to 10,93%. It is revealed that the indices of physical readiness of qualified wrestlers are characterized mainly by small variation in the testing of speed-strength qualities, coordination abilities, general and strength endurance, and average – in the results of special endurance.

Conclusion: it is determined that the most informative indicators of physical development are the weight of the wrestler's body, which has a connection with 15 physical preparedness tests, followed by a vital index (12 statistically reliable relationships) and a strength index (11 interrelations).


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How to Cite

Тропин, Ю., Романенко, В., Голоха, В., & Веретельникова, Н. (2018). Relationship between physical development and physical readiness among skilled wrestlers. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(63), 102–107.


