Structure of the model values of the individual physical education of schoolchildren of different age groups


  • Тетяна Круцевич
  • Оксана Марченко



students, boys, girls, physical education, values, individual physical culture


Tetiana Krutsevych & Oksana Marchenko

The proposed article presents the results of an empirical study, on the basis of which models of individual physical culture of boys and girls are developed.

Purpose: identification of factors that encourage students to engage in physical exercise and the development of a model of value orientations of the individual physical culture of boys and girls in different age periods.

Material & Methods: research was carried out with a contingent of schoolchildren of grades 5–11. The total number of respondents was 628 people (boys – 282; girls – 346), of which 126 respondents (97 boys and 29 girls) are engaged in a certain sport. To solve the problems of our study, at the first stage a survey was conducted of respondents "Determining the motives and interests of schoolchildren in the field of physical culture and sports".

Results: according to the results of the survey of respondents we were first created models of value orientations of individual physical culture of boys and girls of different age groups.

Conclusion: It was found that the representation of schoolchildren who are not involved in sports about the quality, characterizing a physically cultured person, primarily concerns sports activities. More harmoniously characterize the priority qualities of the individual physical education of the person of a young man who play sports.


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How to Cite

Круцевич, Т., & Марченко, О. (2018). Structure of the model values of the individual physical education of schoolchildren of different age groups. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(67), 5–10.


