Relationship of indicators of oxygen-containing blood elements with the duration of systematic triathlon training for amateur athletes
amateur athletes, indicators of oxygen-containing blood elements, triathlonAbstract
Antonina Kovelskaya, Zoya Gorenko & Boris Ocheretko
Purpose: to investigate the nature of changes in the indicators of oxygen-containing blood elements in amateur athletes with different duration of systematic triathlon training.
Material & Methods: peripheral blood taken from 96 physically active men examined was considered as an object of study. Indicators of oxygen-containing blood elements were determined using an automatic hematological analyzer. (MicroCC-20 Plus, США).
Results: amateur athletes showed a link between the duration of regular triathlon classes and red blood indicators, in particular, a significant increase in the content of red blood cells and hematocrit was shown in the sixth month of triathlon training for non-athletes. Revealed a significant decrease in the average red blood cell volume in the blood of amateur athletes for 12 months of triathlon training compared to untrained individuals.
Conclusion: most pronounced changes in oxygen-containing blood parameters are observed in amateur athletes in the first 4–6 months and depend on the duration of systematic aerobic exercise. With the duration of systematic classes of 1 year, there is a stabilization of indicators, which may be associated with the achievement of the optimal level of functioning of the blood system. The decrease in oxygen-containing blood parameters during long periods of systematic training may be associated with inadequate intensity of training loads or intense competitive activity.
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