Improving the culture of performing competitive compositions by young gymnasts through the use of non-traditional means of training
rhythmic gymnastics, young gymnasts, testing, non-traditional means, culture of movementsAbstract
Vasyl Sutula, Alfiya Deyneko & Olha Riabchenko
Purpose: to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of methods for improving the culture of young gymnasts performing competitive compositions through the use of non-traditional means of training in the training process.
Material & Methods: the study involved 12 athletes 8-10 years old engaged in artistic gymnastics. To solve the set tasks, methods characteristic of theoretical and applied research in the field of physical education and sport were used. The analysis of literary sources is carried out to identify the features of the use of auxiliary (non-traditional) means in the process of forming the culture of movements of young gymnasts. Pedagogical methods (testing, experiment) were used to assess the level of formation of a culture of movements in young athletes based on an assessment of the manifestation of their coordination abilities. The methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the experimental material and assess the reliability of the data obtained.
Result: according to the results of the study, it was revealed that the use of auxiliary (non-traditional) means in the training process of young gymnasts contributed not only to the active development of coordination of their movements (orientation in space and time, stability to balance, etc.), but also allowed the level of culture of the performance of the basic elements of competitive compositions by them, had a positive impact on the results of their competitive activity.
Conclusions: the results of the whole complex of the conducted studies testify the effectiveness of the technique of increasing the culture of movements in young gymnasts by using nontraditional means in the training process.
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