Effect of kinesitherapy on quality of life of students with chronic bronchitis
students, chronic bronchitis, quality of life indexAbstract
Oleksandr Petruhnov & Larysa Ruban
Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of kinesiotherapy on the quality of life of students with chronic bronchitis in the period of convalescence.
Material & Methods: under our supervision there were 73 students aged 17–20 years old, who were divided into three groups. According to the demographic indicators, the groups studied were homogeneous by sex, age, height and weight. To determine the index of the quality of life of students, we used a theoretical analysis of the literature and the synthesis of scientific, methodological and special literature information; computer test program "Evaluation of the quality of your life".
Results: when analyzing the results, we noticed that the students of gr. 1 and gr. 2 although they have an average QLI, however, the counting of answers indicates that the state of health of these young men is in a state of limitation. A comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation was drawn up taking into account two stages of the recovery period. Students gr. 1, from the first day, walking was prescribed on various health-normalizing modes with a combination of hand movements permutations. Students gr. 2 were engaged 3 times a week under the program of kinesiotherapy for special medical groups, gr. 3 were engaged in physical culture in accordance with the generally accepted program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. After the application of the developed program, an increase in the quality of life of students of both groups was observed, respondents gr. 1 noted a decrease in fatigue, increased mobility, increased physical activity, thinking, and improved personal relationships. Students gr. 2 marked a trend of positive changes in the quality of life and health.
Conclusion: confirmation of the effectiveness of the developed program was statistically significant changes in students gr. 1 who were engaged in this program. Students gr. 2 also showed a positive dynamics of QLI, but there were no statistically significant changes.
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