Mechanotherapy in restoration treatment of patients with the osteochondrosis of lumbar-sacrum department of spine


  • Олена Миколаївна Авраменко [Ol’ga Avramenko] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


physical rehabilitation, mechanotherapy, lumbar-sacrum osteochondrosis, radikuloishemiy


Actuality problem of physical rehabilitation of patients with the osteochondrosis of spine is described by the author. The use of vehicles of mechanotherapy is considered in by a complex restoration treatment of patients with the neurological displays of lumbar-sacrum osteochondrosis. The program of physical rehabilitation is described for the men with radikuloishemiy L5-S1, which was worked out and inculcated in work of separation of restoration treatment of regional medical-athletic dispensary. Efficiency of the offered program of restoration treatment is appraised on the basis of study and analysis of dynamics of neurological status, data of rheovasography and goniometrys.


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How to Cite

Авраменко [Ol’ga Avramenko] О. М. (2013). Mechanotherapy in restoration treatment of patients with the osteochondrosis of lumbar-sacrum department of spine. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(38), 16–18. Retrieved from


