Determination of physical development level and features of somatotype construction for women aged 21–25 years


  • Олена Шишкіна



women, health, physical development, biological age, somatotype


Helena Shishkinа

Purpose: to determine the level of physical development and features of somatotype construction in women aged 21–25 years.

Material & Methods: the study involved young women aged 21–25 years (n=514) to determine changes in body length and body weight according to their age. At each age, the mean values of the one-, two-, and three-sigma ranges of values studied were calculated. To obtain average data, we measured the length and body weight of 120 women, 21 years of age, 100 years of age, 22 years of age, 98 years of age, 23 years, and 96 years of age, 24 years and 100 women aged 25 years. The following study left 150 women: 21 years (n=30), 22 years (n=30), 23 years (n=30), 24 years (n=30), and 25 years (n=30), in order to determine the biological age and qualitative characteristic of the orientation of the individual physical development and to obtain a purely individual characteristic of the somatotype. For this study were applied modified methods of clinical anthropometry by N. Ya. Breitman and height and weight index of K. Hirat, also methods of mathematical modeling using computer technologies, statistical processing of the obtained data.

Results: the study have been conducted to investigate changes the length and weight of women according to their age. The average values of length and body weights were calculated for women between the ages of twenty–one and twenty–five, which correspond to the following data: 1) 165.09±4.23 cm and 59.21±4.68 kg, 2) 165.37±4.43 cm and 59.68±5.74 kg, 3) 164.75±5.96 cm and 61.33±5.30 kg, 4) 166.15±5.80 cm and 62.21±5.20 kg, 5) 165.87±4.72 cm and 63.32±6.90 kg. The somatotypes for women were calculated according to N. Ya. Breitman and K. Hirat. The database included measurements of 15 anthropometric parameters of women: upper face, lower face, neck, acromio-nipple distance, nipple-navel distance, navel-inguinal distance, thigh, shin, foot, half acromial distance, half-teat distance, foot length from toe to end of thumb, shoulder length, length of forearm, brush length. The following somatotypes of women were identified: standard (32%, 48 persons), muscular (13%, 19 people), asthenic (15%, 23 individuals), respiratory (13%, 19 people), digestive (16%, 24 people), brain (5%, 7 people), infantile (7%, 10 people).

Conclusions: with increasing age, there is a shift in the individual values of the studied women along the coordinate axis of body weight in the direction of increase. Due to the construction of semantic space features, it is possible to compare individual height-weight ratios of women with average data in the age range of 21 to 25 years. This allows to determine the biological age and qualitative characteristics of the orientation of the individual physical development of women, which are reflected in the health passport.


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How to Cite

Шишкіна, О. (2020). Determination of physical development level and features of somatotype construction for women aged 21–25 years. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(75), 58–63.


