Determination of individual rate of development of somatic type and the characteristics of its structure in students of vocational schools


  • Марія Володимирівна Засека [Maria Zaseka] Kharkov Professional building Lyceum, Ukraine
  • Валерій Анатолієвич Друзь [Valeriy Druz] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


prenosological diagnostics, professional selection, professional orientation, somatotype, individual features of the Constitution, the body structure


Based on analysis of the literature describes the constitutional peculiarities of children. The approaches to the use of evaluation of individual standards development. This allows prenosological diagnosis , as well as to solve problems of vocational guidance and the ability to various kinds of work and sports activities . However , experts in the field of physical education and sports practically do not give recommendations for improving physical education in vocational schools based on the account of individual morphological characteristics of students . Analysis of the literature indicates a lack of attention to the use of experts anthropometric data for prenosological diagnosis, prognosis propensity to certain types of motor activity .


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How to Cite

Засека [Maria Zaseka] М. В., & Друзь [Valeriy Druz] В. А. (2013). Determination of individual rate of development of somatic type and the characteristics of its structure in students of vocational schools. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(38), 90–93. Retrieved from


