Problems of selection and preparation of sportsmen high level in sporting archery


  • В. А. Коваль [Koval V.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,


motion actions, system «athlete-bow», the standing before the shot, motion coordination, the sighting.


The article deals the motion characteristics classification as the basis for the constructing the motion actions variety in sport. The importance of determining the motion qualities ratio in a particular sport is shown. Revealed that the motion coordination is the defining quality of archery, and the precisely target actions are evaluated in the spatial, force and temporal characteristics. The main factors that make the error to the final result by the opening of the biokinematic chain «athlete – bow» have been determined. The standing before the shot is characterized by static pull. In this case the process of sighting, and the equilibrium position saving is realized. These characteristics are fundamental for identifying of the tendency to precisely target action and, in particular, to archery.


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How to Cite

Коваль [Koval V.] В. А. (2012). Problems of selection and preparation of sportsmen high level in sporting archery. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-2(33), 36–40. Retrieved from

