Study of technical and tactical action team "Metalist" (Kharkov) in the first half of the twentieth and twenty-first championships of Ukraine in the Premier League (2010-2012).


  • Володимир Іванович Перевозник [Perevoznik V.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,
  • Валерій Анатолійович Марченко [Marchenko V.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,


technique-tactics actions, efficiency factor, quotient of faultiest, attacking actions, defensive action, short passes, middle passes, long passes, short on goal, dual, interceptions, tackling


Considers the technique-tactic action of the team «Metalist» players of city Kharkov of the 1-st half of ХХ and champion of Ukraine in football 2010/2011 and ХХІ championship of Ukraine 2011/2012 in premier league. Recording TTA was performed of a ball, short and middle passed forward, short and middle passes backward and deep pass long pass, dribbling, short on goal. We record attacking actions compressing penetrating attacks, positional and rapid attacks successful attacks. Recorded are defensive actions: tackling the ball, upward dual interception the ball. In all technique-tactic actions we determine quality and quantity of performance.


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How to Cite

Перевозник [Perevoznik V.] В. І., & Марченко [Marchenko V.] В. А. (2012). Study of technical and tactical action team "Metalist" (Kharkov) in the first half of the twentieth and twenty-first championships of Ukraine in the Premier League (2010-2012). Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-2(33), 62–67. Retrieved from

