Value of synthesis of oxide of nitrogen in adaptation of young men and women to the physical loadings


  • Надія Василівна Богдановська [Bogdanovs’ka N.] Запорізький національний університет,


nitric oxide, ways of synthesis, physical stress, adaptation, cardiovascular system, young men and women, 20–25 years, physical performance.


Various methods of nitric oxide synthesis in ensuring adaptation of the cardiovascular system of young men and women 20–25 years to prolonged and intense physical stresses are researched. It is shown that high levels of physical performance of an organism are provided by a high intensity of oxidative calcium dependent de novo pathway of NO syntheses (with the participation of sNOS) and reutilizational way of nitric oxide synthesis (with the participation of nitrate reductase), on conditions of reduced activity of non-oxidizing arginase metabolic pathway of L-arginine and the intensity of calcium-independent oxidative way of NO synthesis (with the participation of іNOS). Are established the possible physiological mechanisms of influence of circulating nitric oxide metabolites to physical performance level of organism.


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How to Cite

Богдановська [Bogdanovs’ka N.] Н. В. (2012). Value of synthesis of oxide of nitrogen in adaptation of young men and women to the physical loadings. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-2(33), 80–87. Retrieved from

