Complex physical rehabilitation of boys-teenagers of 11–13 years old after compression fractures of cervico-thoracal part of spine in the first period of polyclinic stage


  • Тетяна Григорівна Ананьєва [Ananyeva T.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,
  • Л. Г. Білоусова [Belousova L.] Institute of General Medical Sciences of Ukraine Emergency Surgery,


compression fractures of cervico-thoracal part of spine, physical rehabilitation, compression fracture of systems of organism


The actuality in physical rehabilitation of children and teenagers had injury of spinal is described. We consider here the main modern approaches to combined physical rehabilitation of patients after compression fractures of spine cervico-thoracal part. Described is the combined program of physical rehabilitation for boys-teenagers worked out by authors for application in the first period of illness after having injury of spine with an aim of prophylaxis and removal of disturbances from a part of function of upper extremities, respiratory, cardio-vascular systems, improvement of general state of patients. Evaluated is effectiveness of the proposed program of physical rehabilitation on the basis of study of the indexes dynamics of functional state of cardio-vascular, respiratory systems and function of the upper extremities. Key words: compression fracture of cervico-thoracal part of spine, functional state of systems of organism, physical rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Ананьєва [Ananyeva T.] Т. Г., & Білоусова [Belousova L.] Л. Г. (2013). Complex physical rehabilitation of boys-teenagers of 11–13 years old after compression fractures of cervico-thoracal part of spine in the first period of polyclinic stage. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(36), 131–135. Retrieved from

