Particularities to organizations professional-applied physical preparation girl in high the educational institutions of the economic profile


  • О. М. Болтєнкова [Boltenkova E. N.] Kharkov Institute of Finance Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade,


physical education, physical preparation, professional-applied physical preparation, checking standards


The questions of the improvement of the physical education girl high educational institutions of the economic direction are Considered by means of use professional-applied physical preparation. They Are Determined main conditions to future professional activity students and requirements to her, is designed corresponding to contents of the scholastic material for undertaking practical occupation. The positive changes will Installed to level professional-applied physical preparation students after called on studies.


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How to Cite

Болтєнкова [Boltenkova E. N.] О. М. (2012). Particularities to organizations professional-applied physical preparation girl in high the educational institutions of the economic profile. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(31), 16–19. Retrieved from

