Physical characteristics of metabolic maintenance of qualified athletes’-skiers at the end of the preparatory period.


  • Г. Д. Гатілова [Gatilova G.] National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine,


power of, lactate, anaerobic and aerobic processes, the implementation of aerobic capacity


We consider the individual characteristics of aerobic and anaerobic performance of athletes, skiers, who provided a manifestation of system functionality breathing and circulation. Evaluation of the survey was conducted of motor manifestations of efficiency, in shifts of physiological and biochemical parameters. During the passage of a stepwise rising load capacity of athletes have shown a different implementation of aerobic capacity, due to their individual features of metabolic energy. Analyzed the results of competitions for skiers with a high level of aerobic capacity in the implementation of the conditions testing load. The data obtained can be used as a basis for developing mechanisms to speed the deployment of anaerobic energy supply and the rate of excretion and utilization of lactic acid (lactate)


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How to Cite

Гатілова [Gatilova G.] Г. Д. (2012). Physical characteristics of metabolic maintenance of qualified athletes’-skiers at the end of the preparatory period. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(31), 103–108. Retrieved from

