Training process of soccer command of higher qualification control in setup time on the basis of analysis of control games: their motive, functional, technical and tactical components.


  • Валерій Миколайович Шамардін / Shamardyn V. Zaporizhzhya National Technical University,


highly qualified football team, volume and speed of motor movements, dynamics of heart rate beats, control games


The questions of control of the highly qualified football team’s competitive activity in control matches at various stages of the preparatory period are discussed in the article. Data for the study were indicators of the volume and speed of motor movements in the various pulse rate zones and parameters of technical and tactical activities that have been studied using modern command GPS system. Obtained information makes it possible for the coaching staff to simulate the load in training sessions according to the dynamics of the studied parameters in the control games, and provides an integrated assessment of the effectiveness of competitive activity


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How to Cite

Шамардін / Shamardyn V. В. М. (2012). Training process of soccer command of higher qualification control in setup time on the basis of analysis of control games: their motive, functional, technical and tactical components. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(30), 65–68. Retrieved from

