Analysis of the assessment of the quality of the educational process by students of the master’s program in the specialty 227.01 - physical therapy
Purpose: to determine the level of satisfaction and quality of students’ educational process in the master’s
program in the specialty 227.01 - Physical Therapy.
Material and methods: to achieve this goal, we used the following research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, special regulations governing the process of assessing the quality of education
and Internet resources, a sociological survey in monitoring mode, analysis, synthesis and synthesis of data, methods mathematical statistics.
Results: thus, 164 students took part in the study of full-time masters of the Department of Physical Therapy. Occupational Therapy of NUUPES, the average age of the subjects was 27.6 ± 0.6 years. The predominant education level was - incomplete higher education (bachelor’s degree) or higher education (already received a master’s degree, but in another specialty). We can say that students of the master’s program of the Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy of NUUPES, in general, are satisfied with the quality, content, and methods of teaching the subjects of the above program. Students’ disadvantages followed: problems with employment, low quality of material in some disciplines, lack of work with special equipment, and discrepancies in the information content of theoretical and practical classes.
Conclusions: the use of information and communication technologies during the survey and processing of its results increases communication efficiency between the subjects and objects of examination (quality of use of the method). It ensures the efficiency and clarity of its results.
Keywords: initial process, students, surveys, physical therapy.
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