Results of the application of the physical therapy program using ethnic massage techniques for injuries of the ankle joint
Purpose: to evaluate the results of physical therapy of sportsmen football players with intra-articular injuries of the ankle joint at the outpatient stage when using measures of the physical therapy program using the techniques of ethnic oriental massage.
Material and methods: the study analyzes the results of a study conducted in Beirut (Lebanon), the clinic of the Mir Majid Erslan Medical Center. The effectiveness of physical therapy of 36 football players with intra-articular injuries of the ankle joint at the outpatient stage was assessed according to the method of A.V. Kalashnikov and LEFS scale.
Results: it was found that with positive changes in the functional state of the injured athletes of both clinical groups, reliably better results were revealed among the football players of the main group, who were offered physical therapy according to the program we developed.
Conclusions: the analysis of the research results showed that in the injured athletes of the main group, with the same periods and volumes of observation, the results of the research methods were significantly higher and objectively more pronounced than in the control group.
Keywords: intra-articular injuries of the ankle joint, physical therapy, oriental massage, oriental bath, outpatient stage.
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