Features of rehabilitation massage in professional dysfunction of the forearm muscles
Purpose: to find the possibility of rehabilitation massage, forearms in the presence of pain in their muscles.
Material and methods: the study was conducted in two stages. The first stage of observation was carried out by the current method. It was attended by 14 respondents. The reaction of the muscles of the inner surface of the forearms to one procedure of classical massage, which was performed with talcum powder on the corresponding tendons, was checked. Research methods were used: dynamometry, myotonometry. The second stage of the observation was attended by 7 respondents, musicians with hypertension and muscle pain of the inner surface of the forearm, which arose for various reasons. When visiting a doctor, they were advised to stay calm for up to one month, which did not suit them due to the hard work associated with executive activity. Therefore, all its participants also formed one observation group. The following research methods were used: Quadruple Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), myotonometry.
Results: the results of the first observation showed that after one procedure of muscle tendon massage, the difference between the tone of rest and the tone of tension of healthy muscles - contraction, increased by an average of 11,7%. And the average dynamometry of the same brush increased by 4%. The result of the second stage of the observation, conducted on the hands with complaints of muscle pain in the forearm, after ten procedures of massage of the tendons, revealed a reduction in pain almost twice and a decrease in muscle hypertension by an average of 11,3%.
Conclusions: massage of tendons of pathological muscles gave reason to believe that the massage technique developed by us has an analgesic effect and significantly reduces the hypertonicity of muscle tissues. The obtained indicators of the tone of rest and the level of muscle pain confirm the positive effect of our proposed massage technique on the pathological condition of the forearm muscles and the possibility of their early rehabilitation.
Keywords: pathological muscles, rehabilitation massage, myotonometry, hand dynamometry, massage techniques.
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