The modeling of indicators of technical and tactical skills of highly qualified athletes who specialize in swimming at the distance of 200 meters by butterfly stroke
Purpose: modeling of technical and tactical skills of highly qualified athletes who specialize in butterfly swimming at a distance of 200 meters.
Material and methods: analysis of literature sources, video recording, timing, methods of mathematical statistics. The contingent of the subjects consisted of athletes who specialize at the distance of 200 meters by butterfly stroke. The level of their sports qualification corresponded to the titles of master of sport of Ukraine and international master of sports of Ukraine. The total number of the surveyed is 16 swimmers.
Results: have been studied the dynamics of technical and tactical actions of highly qualified athletes during swimming the distance of 200 meters by butterfly stroke, have been determined the relationship between speed, pace, «step» of the cycle of rowing movements and sports result, have been developed the model characteristics of the most important parameters of technical and tactical skills of highly qualified athletes who specialize in butterfly swimming at the distance of 200 meters.
Conclusions: the length of the competitive distance leaves an imprint on the dynamics of technical and tactical skills of highly qualified athletes who specialize in butterfly swimming; the result at the distance of 200 meters by butterfly stroke is predominantly influenced by the speed parameters on the segments «45 - 50 m», «50 m - emerge», «150 m – emerge» and «185 – 195 m», the pace of rowing movements at intervals «145 – 150 m» and «165 - 175 m», «step» of the cycle of rowing movements on the sections «45 - 50 m» and «185 - 195 m»; determining the compliance of technical and tactical actions of a particular athlete with model characteristics allows to predict areas of correction of the training process in order to achieve the highest sports results.
Keywords: highly skilled swimmers, butterfly, 200 meters, technical and tactical actions, dynamics, correlation, model characteristics.
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