Use of high-intensity competitive exercises against the background of fatigue by an elite karateka with hearing impairments




Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of the use of competitive exercises at high speed on the background of fatigue elite karate with hearing impairments during a four-year cycle.

Materials and methods: the study involved an athlete with hearing impairments, engaged in karate - Deaflympic champion in 2013 and 2017. In the training process, the athlete used high-intensity competitive exercises against the background of fatigue, at the end of the training session. To determine the effectiveness of the program in the study used a number of psychophysiological indicators, such as: work efficiency, mental stability, time of simple reaction to light, reaction to a moving object, tapping test, reaction time of choice, Romberg test, concentration and switching of attention. The number of blows in different parts of the match was also investigated.

Results: significant improvement of results was observed in the indicator of mental stability (t = 2.02; p <0.05), time of simple reaction to light (t = 2.51; p <0.05), reaction to a moving object (t = 3.79; p <0.001), frequency of movements (t = 3.63; p <0.001), choice reaction time (t = 2.08; p <0.05), Romberg test (t = 6.96; p <0.001), switching attention according to the Bourdon test (t = 2.40; p <0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in the indicator of concentration of attention and efficiency of work on Schulte's tables (p> 0.05).

Conclusions: there was an improvement in the performance of the athlete when performing offensive actions during the second and third 40 seconds of the fight. This indicates the development of special endurance and increased efficiency against the background of fatigue. The obtained results are confirmed by the improvement of psychophysiological indicators that affect sports performance in karate. . The expediency of using competitive exercises against the background of fatigue and their influence on the psychophysiological parameters of the Deaflympic karate champion is proved.

Keywords: karate, psychophysiological indicators, attacking actions, elite sportswoman, karate player with hearing impairments.


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How to Cite

Ianchuk, K., Tykhorskyi, O. ., Volodchenko, O. ., & Khudiakova, V. . (2021). Use of high-intensity competitive exercises against the background of fatigue by an elite karateka with hearing impairments. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(84), 31–36.


