Complex physical rehabilitation of the mid-age men after Bennet-Roland dislocation fracture in post- immobilization period at the policlinic stage.


  • Тетяна Григорівна Ананьєва (Tatyana Ananyeva) Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine
  • Лідія Григорівна Білоусова (Lidia Belousova) State institution of the institute of General and urgent surgery NAMS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Наталія Володимирівна Оршацька (Natalia Orshatska) Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine



injures of hand, post-traumatic complications, program of physical rehabilitation


Purpose: to give scientific ground of the problem of physical rehabilitation of the mid-age men after Bennet-Roland dislocation fracture in post-immobilization period at the conditions of policlinic stage and estimate its efficiency. Material and methods: in research 21 men of mid-age participated after injury of hand, clinical and instrumental methods – goniometry of joints of hand are applied. Results: efficiency is estimated of the used means of physical rehabilitation on the basis analysis of indexes of functional state of injured hand the mid-age men after Bennet-Roland dislocation fracture. Conclusions: rationally and efficiently proved is the complex program of physical rehabilitation for men of able-bodied age after injury of hand being in post-immobilization period at the policlinic.


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How to Cite

Ананьєва (Tatyana Ananyeva) Т. Г., Білоусова (Lidia Belousova) Л. Г., & Оршацька (Natalia Orshatska) Н. В. (2014). Complex physical rehabilitation of the mid-age men after Bennet-Roland dislocation fracture in post- immobilization period at the policlinic stage. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(40), 11–14.


