Activities of the State Institute of Physical Culture of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Research Institute of Physical Culture in the 30-40 of the XX century




Purpose: summarize information on the activities of the State Institute of Physical Culture of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Research Institute of Physical Culture for the development of education and science in the field of physical culture and sports in the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic.

Material and methods: the research material was scientific literature, which contains information on the issue under study. Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific literature data, historical-systemic, logical, problem-search.

Results: it was determined that SICU began its activities in difficult conditions of the formation of the statehood of the republic. The educational institution was engaged in the preparation of teachers-trainers, teachers-methodologists in physical education for educational institutions, organizational and methodological workers. Among the teachers of the institute were experienced practitioners who contributed to the development of high-performance sports and sports science. It was established that UNSIPC was created on the basis of the research department of the Central House of Physical Culture in Kharkov. In the structure of the research institute, five functional departments worked and collections of scientific works were published.

Conclusions: the institute has made a significant contribution to the development of the domestic system of physical education due to: the presence of practitioners, experienced teaching staff; training of qualified specialists, high-class athletes. The activity of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture was important for the republic. It was in the 30s of the XX century that the foundation was laid for the further development of domestic sports science.

Keywords: Institute of Physical Culture, Research Institute of Physical Culture, sports education, sports science.


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How to Cite

Taran, L., Okun, D., & Grynova, T. (2021). Activities of the State Institute of Physical Culture of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Research Institute of Physical Culture in the 30-40 of the XX century. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(85), 63–68.


