Features psychological preparation of students





students and university students, the physical and mental health, martial arts, anti-stress training


Purpose: presents the analysis of the impact of training melee fighting the physical and mental health of students of the Academy of Interior Ministry of Ukraine. Material and methods: the control group consisted of students of Polytechnic University, who did not have any (except for the mandatory physical education classes) exercise. Results: it is shown that training improves the melee fighting, both physical and mental health. However, first-year students, compared with their counterparts from the fourth year, the positive change is much less pronounced. Students without additional exercise positive changes very little. Conclusions: the use of anti-stress and social-psychological training in conjunction with exercise resulted in a significant increase in rates of physical and mental health of first-year students of the academy.


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How to Cite

Горпініч Олексій Олександрович (Oleksij G. (2014). Features psychological preparation of students. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(41), 45–48. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2014-3.009


