Complex physical rehabilitation after compression breaks of lumbar department of spine with the use preventive clinic of Eyminov.
fracture of spine, preventive clinic of Eyminov, program of physical rehabilitation, functional state of the systems of organism, special exercises for strengthening of muscles of back and abdominal press, unloading of spineAbstract
The complex program of physical rehabilitation is worked out and grounded for the girls of midchildhood after the compression fractures of lumbar department of spine, in IV period of flow of illness, with the use of remedial gymnastics (exercises in the preventive clinic of Eyminov for unloading of spine and strengthening of muscles of back and abdominal press), massage and physiotherapy, in the conditions of traumatology department. Under our supervision there were 22 girls aged 7–8. Proved is an efficiency of the offered program of physical rehabilitation on the basis of study of dynamics of indexes of the functional state of respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems of organismReferences
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