Remedial physical culture in complex physical rehabilitation of intra-articular fractures of metacarpal bones and the hand phalanxes.
intra-articular fractures of metacarpal bones and the hand phalanxes, periods of desease, remedial physical culture, massage, physiotherapyAbstract
The article deals with the major modern approaches to prescribing remedial physical culture in complex physical rehabilitation of intra-articular fractures of metacarpal bones and the hand phalanxes. The possible etiologic factors, clinical symptoms and methods of treatment of these fractures are established. The mechanisms of curable impacts of physical exercises on organism of patient are grounded. Determined are the tasks, forms and means of remedial physical culture. The methodics of remedial gymnastics of fractures of metacarpal-phalanx and interphalangeal joints of hand with an account of immobilization, postimmobilization and recovering periods of desease are defined in detail. The major approaches to prescribing of medical massage and physiotherapy are presentedReferences
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