Modern trends in physical culture and sports management in Ukraine
Purpose: to highlight modern trends in the management of physical culture and sports in Ukraine on the basis of generalization of the scientific heritage of domestic scientists.
Material and methods: theoretical and practical research of domestic scientists, official documents, methods of comparison, synthesis, analysis.
Results: in the context of our country's European integration, the norms and standards introduced by the European Union governing physical activity and sports should be adhered to, and a roadmap for the development of sports should be developed at the state level. There is a need to separate the field of sports at the legislative and organizational level, so in scientific circulation and in the legal field, in accordance with European law, it is advisable to introduce the concept of "sports" to describe the activities of sports organizations and other business entities physical culture and sports services and carry out activities in such areas as health physical activity, sports in education and training, mass sports and sports for all, high-achievement sports and professional sports. The concept of "physical culture" should be included in scientific and social circles to outline the activities of people related to the use of physical exercises. These issues should be regulated at the legislative level and appropriate amendments should be made to the Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" and bylaws governing the field of sports.
Conclusions: modern trends in the management of physical culture and sports in Ukraine are the transition to European standards, changing the mechanisms of state policy, decentralization of power, market development and improving the quality of physical culture and sports services through the introduction of state standards.
Keywords: physical culture, sports, sphere of physical culture and sports, sphere of sports, physical culture and sports organizations, management, decentralization, reform.
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