Scoliosis problem in modern orthopedics


  • (Tyagur Taras) Тягур Тарас Романович Vasіl Stefanyk Precarpathіan Natіonal Unіversіty, Ukraine



scoliosis, spinal deformity, torsion, curvature of the spine


Purpose: this paper discusses the modern aspects of scoliosis in orthopedics. Material and methods: analytical review of modern specialized sources proposed by researchers of modern orthopedics. Results: the main issues highlighted features of the disease based on a systematic analytical approach highlights. The occurrence of scoliosis and progression of the disease should be considered a multіfactorіal process in terms of biomechanics. Spinal deformity is accompanied by a lateral curvature and torsion changes. The offset of the overall center of gravity of the body in toward the vertical axis of the spine has the great importance in the development of the disease. Manifestation of symptoms depends on the duration of the disease and the degree of scolіotіc curvature. Progression of the disease often occurs in puberty child. Scoliosis may affect lung function and lead to heart failure. Conclusions: most rational classification, according to which all patients with scoliosis are distributed into two groups: those with congenital and acquired forms.


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How to Cite

Тягур Тарас Романович (Tyagur T. (2014). Scoliosis problem in modern orthopedics. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(41), 106–109.


