Prospects sportization system of physical education students
physical education, sportization system, physical health, student study groupsAbstract
Purpose: to assess the status and prospects of development of sports-oriented direction in the system of physical education students. Material and Methods: the analysis of literature, which are developed the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of physical education students. Results: it is determined that the system of physical education students in groups of physical and sports education is the most common sports-oriented form of organization studies. It is noted that the traditional system of physical education is not effective enough to improve the physical health of students. Conclusions: the solution to provide the necessary level of physical health of students is formation of their personality a certain level of physical culture.
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Copyright (c) 2014 (Vasil’ Sutula) Сутула Василь Опанасович, (V’yacheslav Shuteev) Шутєєв В’ячеслав Вадимович, (Oleksiy Bulgakov) Булгаков Олексій Кирилович, (Larisa Lutsenko) Луценко Лариса Сергіївна

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