The status of physical training judoists of 14–16 years on indicators coordinating abilities
physical training, coordination qualities of 57 judokas 14–16 years oldAbstract
Purpose: to determine the impact of the special physical training aimed at developing coordination skills. Material and Methods: in 57 explored participated judo 14-16 years old male, who trained at the stage of the specially-basic training. Methods: Analysis of scientific and technical literature, testing physical properties, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: actual problems of physical training judo. the level of physical fitness for the performance of coordination abilities. Analyzed the typical training program for judo and determined its effectiveness. Conclusions: found that physical training judo 14–16 years on indicators of quality of coordination within the average. Therefore, to achieve good results in the need to improve the modern sport judo training program. Formed guidelines for building a training process designed to develop coordination skills.
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