Differentiated complexes of physical rehabilitation of young people with disorders of the spine


  • (Vladimir Kotelevskiy) Котелевський Володимир Іванович Sumy state pedagogical University А.S. Makarenko, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9151-5437
  • (Olga Tymoshenko) Тимошенко Ольга Павлівна Kharkiv state zooveterinary Academy, Ukraine
  • (Frieda Leontieva) Леонтьєва Фріда Соломонівна M. I. Sitenko Institute of pathology of the spine and joints of medical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine




vertebral osteochondrosis, coping strategies, physical rehabilitation, stress


Purpose: identification and analysis of differentiated approaches to physical rehabilitation of students with spine pathology with different types of behavioral responses to stress – coping strategies. Material and Methods: a theoretical analysis, synthesis and special scientific-methodical literature, the analysis of experimental studies on animals and the results of physical rehabilitation students ‘ strategies in 76 students 19–20 years with neurological manifestations of vertebral osteochondrosis of 1 degree. Results: identified and analyzed the main features of rehabilitation measures among youth with spinal pathology (correction, massage therapy, kinesiotherapy) with different types of coping strategies. Conclusions: the proven effectiveness of differentiated application of physical rehabilitation on the basis of the definition of coping strategies among students with spine pathology.


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How to Cite

Котелевський Володимир Іванович (Vladimir K., Тимошенко Ольга Павлівна (Olga T., & Леонтьєва Фріда Соломонівна (Frieda L. (2014). Differentiated complexes of physical rehabilitation of young people with disorders of the spine. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(44), 62–68. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2014-6.012


