Comparative efficiency analysis of the different orientation health physical culture facilities use in the system of independent employments of students of institutes of higher


  • С. М. Афанасьєв Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Ukraine
  • О. О. Кошелева Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Ukraine
  • О. М. Сьомочкіна Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Ukraine


bodily condition, independent employments, system of physical education in institutes


In this article, the comparative analysis of efficiency of the use of the athletic-health programs of different orientation in the system of physical education of students of institutes conducted. The features of influence on the indexes of bodily condition of students of the athletic-health programs of the physical exercises of aerobic orientation based on the overwhelming use were probed and on the use of exercises of power and speed-power character. The dynamics of indexes of bodily condition of students in the process of employments is certain. Positive influence on the bodily condition of students of the programs, which include exercises of aerobic orientation, is set.


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How to Cite

Афанасьєв, С. М., Кошелева, О. О., & Сьомочкіна, О. М. (2011). Comparative efficiency analysis of the different orientation health physical culture facilities use in the system of independent employments of students of institutes of higher. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1), 27–30. Retrieved from


