Windsurfers assessment of general tension during the passage of separate sites of competitive route in different wind conditions and water surface


  • Я. Ящур-Новицький Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk (Poland), Poland


windsurfing, external conditions, physical tension


The aim of the study was to elucidate the subjective assessment of leading Polish windsurfers (n=8) state the general tension during the passage of separate sites of competitive route in different wind conditions and water surface. At the start when large waves in low wind the intensity of tension is higher than at strong and moderate winds. In areas upwind 2, downwind 1 and downwind 2 with an average wave in a light wind the tension was more significant than at strong and moderate winds. The data considered from the perspective of selection of special physical training for skilled athletes who specialize in sports with varieties external conditions of the competition.


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How to Cite

Ящур-Новицький, Я. (2011). Windsurfers assessment of general tension during the passage of separate sites of competitive route in different wind conditions and water surface. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1), 52–56. Retrieved from


