Complex program of physical rehabilitation at the traumatic damages of spinal cord


  • О. М. Мятига Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine
  • Д. С. Мятига Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


program of physical rehabilitation, trauma of spinal cord, motor regimes, medical gymnastics, special exercises, tasks of remedial gymnastics, initial position, physical loadings, functional state of the systems of organism


The program of physical rehabilitation is compiled with the use of complex approach for patients with the damage of spinal cord of lumbar department of spine on the stationary stage of rehabilitation. It includes a medical gymnastics, massage therapy and physiotherapy. The analysis of modern literature on the issue of physical rehabilitation of patients with a spinal trauma made it possible to set etiology, pathogen and classification of this pathology. The complex treatment of patients after the different damages of spinal cord includes surgical and medicinal treatment, remedial gymnastics, massage therapy and physical therapy procedures.


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How to Cite

Мятига, О. М., & Мятига, Д. С. (2011). Complex program of physical rehabilitation at the traumatic damages of spinal cord. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1), 81–84. Retrieved from


