Study of influence of the psychoemotional state of volleyballers on technique-tactical indices in competition activity


  • А. Ю. Мельник Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


psychoemotional state, competition activity, game leader, method


The influence of the psychoemotional state of volleyballers on individual technique-tactical indices in competition activity studied in the article. The approach for estimate of the psychoemotional state of players, which based on researching quantitative and qualitative characteristics of their intercourses on a ground during play, is proposed. The playing actions and intercourses of the game leader of male team «Locomotive» (Kharkov) in competitions of national volleyball super league is analyzed with the use of this method. The analysis reveals the occurrence of certain correlation between efficiency of performing technique-tactical actions and psychoemotional state of these volleyballers. 


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How to Cite

Мельник, А. Ю. (2011). Study of influence of the psychoemotional state of volleyballers on technique-tactical indices in competition activity. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1), 103–105. Retrieved from


