Prospects of the use of educational video data for the increase of professional trade of instructors, which completed course on «Base to the aerobics».


  • О. М. Калініченко Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


video data, instructor of aerobics, base aerobics, courses of in-plant training


In the article talked about the use of educational video data for the improvement of preparation of instructors on a health aerobics, which passed the base course of preparation. For preparation of highly skilled specialists on a health aerobics, which own the wide arsenal of practical skills of organization and leadthroughs of the athletic-health reading with the different contingent of population, own the large volume of knowledge on the different aspects of pedagogic, psychology, physiology, hygiene, physical education and economy, modern innovative technologies are needed.


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How to Cite

Калініченко, О. М. (2011). Prospects of the use of educational video data for the increase of professional trade of instructors, which completed course on «Base to the aerobics». Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1), 118–121. Retrieved from


